Do you have an opinion on going to therapy as a way of resolving CD/TG issues? I sometimes think there should be a conclusion to my feelings and frustrations. You seem to have reached a steady state, which I haven't reached. I can't see a happy medium.
My life is a roller coaster ride as it relates to my transgenderism. Some days, I want to chuck it all, throw out my girl wardrobe and swear off crossdressing for the rest of my life. Other days, I want to pack up the car with my girl wardrobe, runaway from home, and live full-time as a woman in some other part of the country. Most days, I am somewhere in between.
Now that I am older and wiser, I know the first option is a big mistake because in the past, I have purged and sworn off crossdressing, but sooner or later, I come back crossdressing more passionately than ever. So, when those purging thoughts come my way, I ignore them because I know they will go away sooner or later.
In fact, I woke up this morning in a purging/swearing-off frame of mind. Then I start reading my e-mail and find an e-mail from Newport-News in my in-box. It is for a spring clearance sale. I go to the Newport-News web site to see what is on sale and I see a suit that I have had my eye on at one-third off the list price. Next thing you know, I'm ordering the suit and purging is the farthest thing from my mind.
My roller coaster ride has a lot to do with my wife. She is not very supportive and to keep the peace, I don't crossdress as much as I would like. I think if she were supportive, my life might be more like a Sunday ride in the park instead of a roller coaster ride.
I cannot give you my opinion on whether therapy would help or not because I have never been in therapy. I seem to be in the minority because most T-people I know have been in therapy for their T-issues. Some claim that therapy has helped. Your mileage may vary.
You wrote that I "seem to have reached a steady state." I think it appears that I have reached a steady state because I have resigned myself to my situation and try to emphasize the positives, rather than the negatives to make my ride as comfortable as possible.
Staci, I'd love to know where you get these pictures of beautiful leggy women. You can email me, if you don't want to publicize it.