My wig-shopping goal on Thursday was to get a wig similar to "Ryan," i.e., platinum blonde with dark roots, but longer for those times when a longer wig was the proper length to wear (to satisfy my fashionista side). The wig I purchased is a Raquel Welch brand wig named "Breeze." My wig stylist styled the wig for me so that it has more bangs than shown in this photo. It is a blonde wig with black roots very similar in color to Ryan.

My wig stylist also tried a shorter wig on me. She insists that I look great in shorter wigs and I have to admit that I fell in love with the one she suggested, so much so that I bought it. It is a Tressallure brand wig named "Gigi." It is "true platinum" in color, just like the photo.

Gigi reminded me of Meryl Streep's hairstyle in the film "The Devil Wore Prada."
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